jin’s trilogy: sea (2022)
jin’s trilogy: land (2022)
jin’s trilogy: air (2022)
The project consists of three series of self-portraits that are based on the idea of fashion photography and conceptual art but developed to photography as experimentation, the three series are "sea", "land", and "air", which are three areas in the world that the life exist. Using different techniques outside of photography such as handcraft, computing images, upcycled fashion, animation, and 3D modeling, incorporating the massive use of self-imagery and digital post-production, the artist is blending between the real world and the imaginary world together, in which we see this avatar as an in-between of cells(plants) and animal form(human) and pixels(artificial intelligence), and the moment of birth and death exist together as well. The project forms a discussion about self and avatar, physical and virtual, organic and artificial, culture and reinvention through the lens of the artist’s own relationship to her digital self.